June 2010

This was another good month for us.  My birthday was the 2nd, we went out for dinner and a movie later that week.  We celebrated our 6th anniversary on the 12th by by going to the Columbus Zoo early in the week, a day when it was perfect to see all the animals and went to lunch and a movie on our anniversary. Quick movie review, chewing on aluminum foil would be a better way to pass time than watching the movie Splice.  We spent four weeks of this month treating Soda for an ear infection.  She really did not like the medicine and ear washes we had to give her but she likes peanut better just slightly more than getting drops in her ears. The vet gave us the all clear and it is nice not having to wrangle her to treat her ears.  Father’s Day we went to Chillicothe and then headed down to Cincinnati for a dinner and a 6 mile river boat ride along the Ohio river on a Stern-wheel.  Something fun and different to do on Father’s Day.  The last weekend we celebrated the baptism of our newest nephew Brody.  What a joyous time for the family to gather.